Quarter Life Crisis-Slap Some Sense into Adulthood

A few years back I thought I was having a quarter life crisis, 5 years later I realize it is just life.  (I would also like to clarify that I am NOT one of those people that say well life is just hard, and we can’t be happy all the time.)

Understanding that life is difficult is distinctly different than accepting that life is difficult.

So life isn’t exactly what you thought.  But did you really think about what you wanted it to be?  To me, that is the kicker; I just assumed if I did all the things I was “supposed” to do things would turn out ok.  What I never realized is that I never spent any time defining what “OK” actually meant to me.  Most people have an idea about the bigger issues.  Do you want to get married, have kids, travel the world, become president?  Those things turn life into a checklist, so ok you went to college, got a decent job, found a partner, bought a house, had a kid.  Now what?  What fills your day, makes you tick, gets your ass out of bed in the morning?

More often than not, checking off that list isn’t enough to keep you going day in and day out.

Over the past few months I have started to learn that it is not just me.  It is not wrong to want more out of life, challenge the status quo, and try to make a difference in this mad mad world.  I hope breaking down my own experiences of navigating the corporate jungle gym (often failing) as a millennial and a woman in search of a meaningful life will empower you to take charge of your own life.